Friday, August 12, 2011


Sorry, slackin' again! My bad! TGIF though! The plan is for me to post some pictures this weekend, of my projects. My top priority before Sunday is make 4 cakes into cake pops, finish a Lego quilt, make cheesecake and pie pops, get a present wrapped, and wrap up a gift basket. The Lego quilt was a birthday present for my cousin, which his birthday was back in June :-/ Hopefully, I will see his mom on Sunday, at a bridal shower that I am co-throwing, so that she can give it to him. I bought a three tray server as my bridal shower present to my aunt-to-be. I plan on making make the (2 cake, cheescake, pie) pops, to put on the servers, and wrap it up pretty :) Then one of the other cakes is going to the person I am co-throwing this bridal shower with, as a thank you present. Then on Sunday, the children's pastor of my church, is leaving. I will miss her a ton! But, I am sooo happy for her! So one of the cakes is for a batch of cake pops for her and her family. So busy, busy weekend....Hopefully, I will get to rest on Sunday afternoon. Hope to post better post soon, but didn't want to leave you hangin'! Enjoy your Friday!!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

One Stop Shop Hop

Man, I'm already slackin' and I just started, that is a bad sign. But I guess on the plus side, I've been too busy quilting :D So the Shop Hop, was kind of what I expected. It was fun with an Explorer full of girls. We warmed up by shopping at Cracker Barrel (I personally don't need warming up), it was also a potty break. It was nice to see some new shops that we can travel to, especially on my trip to Indy for my birthday in a few weeks! Unfortunately, I didn't win anything, but it was still fun. Bought not a lot, but a decent amount. There was a Scrabble theme, and each booth had a letter, and you had to figure out the letter at each booth, and then you would get entered to win a prize. I definitely spent less then I thought I would, which was good! Then we went to Joann's, which it seems like we always end up there, and dropped a load of money there :) It was a nice, big Joann's. Then we went to Hobby Lobby, where I think I need one of everything, but I really don't.

My current projects are two Cars quilts and a Lego quilt. They are pinned and rolled up, but now the hard part is quilting them. The Lego one, I'm just doing the "stitch in the ditch" or at least trying to. The Cars quilts, well I am not sure sure what my plan of action is to quilt those. The main focus though, is the Lego quilt, because it was for the birthday boy, back in June! Well it's back to work for now. :(